Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Old, Old, Old.

I am obsessed with things that are old for some reason... People, pictures, music, clothes, furniture, books, stores, restaurants, movies, just about everything. Which leads me spending way more time then I have (i'm not only in debt financially but with time, sleep and other things. but i'll save that for another blog) in thrift stores and other old places.. I think my dream job would be to buy things at thrift stores and sell them on line. I saw the coolest old musket rifle today at the thrift store for fifteen bucks! And i swear it was probably in the civil war.. Also, a fishing basket, like the ones you see Brad Pitt and his brother and dad use on A River Runs Through it.  Often times throughout my life ive been asked this question about my purchases of "junk"... "what are you even gonna do with that?" and my answer is usually always the same.. "Probably nothing, but look how cool it is" If I could rob any store in the world it would be an antique store in Virginia. Any of them really. They are all amazing and worth tons more than banks or jewelry stores. The greatest thing about thrift stores and antique stores is that they don't usually understand how much the things in their stores are worth.
Anyway, I'm going to start posting the cool old treasures I find on my blog each week (that is if i remember to) ... Actually speaking of treasures, thats why thrift stores are so amazing, its like an adrenaline rush when you find something amazing that you know is rare and worth a lot of money. Especially when it's like two dollars. 

1 comment:

k8theriver said...

maybe you can start your own antique store with all the old stuff you buy.